A city tour Dresden with a Brompton
Winter is over, the Brompton was in the inspection but Corona is still holding us back from longer tours at the moment.
From Berlin it’s about 2 hours by train and you’re in Dresden.
So we had a plan for a day trip.

Exploring Dresden and its surroundings with the Brompton folding bike.
It is the end of April and we hope the winter season is almost over.
The Brompton has suffered during the winter time. All the snow, slush, salt and gravel have left their mark on the bicycle.
Now, for the Dresden Trip, it was the perfect reason to do some maintenance work on the bicycle.
What you should have recently checked on your bicycle you find more informations within this article: How to take care of your bicycle!
Early in the Morning
Our train arrived at 8am at the train station in Dresden. Still, the city is sleeping. Of course, it is Sunday morning.
Our first stopp: getting a coffee and some fantastic vegetarian bred in the coffeeshop Oswaldz. Most important: they have some real great coffee to start the tour 🙂

We planed the tour with Komoot.
We are always impressed by this software, which lets us find new ways even within well known city, like Berlin.
We planned the tour as pedestrians, not cyclists. So the software also guides us through small alleys and against the one-way streets.
We discover a really exciting city with more than old stones and widely known sights.
Of course we pass the „Frauenkirche“, the „Dresden Zwinger“, the „Semperoper“ , the Cathedral and the „Residenzschloss“. We saw the „Goldene Reiter“, the „Fürstenzug“, but we also easily reached the German Hygiene Museum, the Botanical Garden, the „Große Garten“ and the bridge „Blaue Wunder“, crossing the River Elbe.
We cycled a leisurely 43km that day with a lunch break at a small Chinese takeaway and by 5pm we were back on the train on the way back to Berlin.

For sure, you would not have done such a trip by foot, but there was something more special. We did not only explore the Highlights, we wandered through small streets, discovered the places where the people live who make up this city live. In contrast to the old core with all the highlights, you can feel life in here. Dresden is a living, changing city. A city where people have something to say. You can learn what that is, for example, through the language of the walls on the houses, through streetart.
A city worth to be visited
Dresden has blossomed and continues to grow into a lively, fresh city.
Dresden promotes itself as a location for science and business.
So take your folding bike, go to Dresden and discover the city.
Dresden is green (when spring has finally arrived 🙂 ), Dresden is streetart, Dresden is innovation, Dresden is history.
Walter Frank sagt...
War da, ein Ereignis!
Ein Tipp, ein sehr wohlmeinender, als Bromptoneur: BROMPTON fahren mit einem SELLOTTO Sattel!
Liebe Grüße von Graz nach Berlin!